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Bridge-Walker Team

To Inspire the Least in Us to Reflect the Best in Us

I am a Bridge-Walker Author.  Some authors have street teams.  But my team walks Bridges.  We have one foot in the spiritual world, one in the physical world–Christian and Secular–because that’s where the people we hope to touch reside.

Being a Bridge-Walker Author is not always easy or painless. It is not always done with company–often, one walks alone.  But if it is your purpose, then it is your duty, and your aspiration is to walk your bridges, whatever they might be, with dignity and grace.

I am a fortunate Bridge-Walker Author in that I am blessed with a supportive team.  It makes for a brighter journey and a better experience.  It’s fun and productive.  I invite you to join us . . . on the bridge.


Vicki Hinze

Bridge-Walker Team

Supporting and Assisting

Author Vicki Hinze

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Copyright, 2014 Vicki Hinze